Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's Official. . .

 You can't watch or read Pretty Little Liars with out getting goosebumps. Last night I watched the Pretty Little Liars marathon leading up to the new horrifying episode, then later proceeded to horrify myself some more, by reading and finishing Unbelievable. (The reason I had to finish it was I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I did.) Now, I don't think it's so much that the show is like going to have you screaming  or give you insomnia, it's just that it's more shocking than anything else.

In most shows you know whats going on ALL the time, but with Pretty Little Liars it feels like your in the same position as Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Spencer: it seems as if your the last to know everything. Like your A's dolls, and not the kind you but little clothes for. The kind you leave out in the cold to freeze. I think that's why so many people love it. It's SO addicting. Anyway--last nights episode was especially horrifying, because while the girls where at the hospital for Emily's stomach  Aria and Spencer stole Ali's file from the autopsy room and figured out Ali had been buried alive!

Her Aria and Spencer talk to Emily shortly after stealing Ali's file.

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